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  • Writer's pictureFati Haruna

Reclaim Your Power: A Manual

As much as we would like to use Nicki's 3 rules, we have to be a little practical. I mean, rule #1 will always apply (to any gender). But, as for rule #2? Idk, mama lets research 🤓.

There are times where one may feel defeated after a breakup, when trying to start fresh, or even during a journey of self discovery and continued internal healing. Reclaiming your power has more to do with your path to self-improvement. Its all about prioritizing yourself, creating a safe-space for yourself, and walking in your truth. I've created a list of things you can try that will help in your voyage to reclaiming your power:

  1. Cut out any and all toxic energy. I don't think this needs to be explained. If you have the capacity to understand these words, you're grown enough to know when something--or someone-- may be good or bad for you. Stand up.

  2. If you think it's a bad decision, it is. Trying to be mentally strong is truly difficult but you should have confidence in yourself, and stand in your truth. Most importantly, try not to compromise any of your principles.

  3. Want more for yourself. Period.

  4. Find something to abstain from. Figure out what it is about this "thing" that has you in a chokehold, and separate yourself from it. For some reason we like to overindulge in things that are unhealthy for us, why? Try to cut one, or more of these out and watch how much your life can improve after

  5. Do not argue with a soul. Need I say more? Many people argue from a place of ignorance and don't care to listen to understand. Why waste your energy or raise your blood pressure? Just tell them "you got it" and move on.

  6. Learn how to forgive yourself. You don't ever have to forgive anyone that you don't think needs forgiveness, except yourself. Often, we are very hard on ourselves, but you need to give yourself grace. We are allowed to make mistakes that we can always learn from. It makes you a better version of yourself.

  7. Know who you are. Don't try to be someone you are not, or change because someone else encouraged you to. Always walk in your purpose and stand in your truth. Take some time to yourself in isolation (without the noise of the outside world and people) and learn yourself.

  8. Set boundaries. Don't let anyone disrespect you, or cross any lines that you have drawn. No means no, across the board. Those that can't respect your boundaries need to go to the guillotine because they have no place in your life.

  9. Participate in activities that bring you joy. This can be anything, such as finding new hobbies, taking fun or educational classes, playing sports going out with friends, taking a walk, taking a trip, watching a movie, exercising, reading a book, cooking, or writing.

  10. D A T E. Bro. RULE #1. Stop closing yourself off to potential connections. If there was a person that wanted to take you serious, they would make it 100% clear. Stop holding on to hope for someone to "act right", you're only disrespecting yourself and relinquishing your power.

Some of these are definitely easier said than done. Everyone has different personalities and its best to do what works for you. Each of these points are supposed to help you maintain a positive mental health space, which is key in reclaiming any power you feel like you may have lost, or are struggling to maintain. Try some of these suggestions out and let me know if any of it has proven to be effective for you.

With Love, Fati.


Jul 20

So good thank you


Carlissa Fennell
Carlissa Fennell
Jul 19

I need to print out #6 and keep it on my mirror! I needed to hear that ❤️

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